柏优提 > 信息聚合 > “飞人”博尔特刊文《中国日报》: 想来北京看冬奥,这是让我脱胎换骨的地方!

“飞人”博尔特刊文《中国日报》: 想来北京看冬奥,这是让我脱胎换骨的地方!

2022-01-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

Coming from Jamaica, I have no experience in winter sports. I don't like cold weather, I prefer the sun. 我来自牙买加,并没有冬季运动的经验。我不喜欢寒冷的天气,我喜欢阳光。 Besides track, the only other sport I really played was cricket and some football. The Winter Olympics usually escape my attention. But I do want to see the Olympics in Beijing next month. 除了田径,板球和足球是我唯一参与过的体育项目。冬奥会往往无法引起我的关注。但我真心希望下个月能在北京看冬奥会。 Beijing is where everything cha
